Hauptkategorie: ORTE
Kategorie: Amerika
Zugriffe: 71688


The only question is the fate of the remnants. 

The lack of response by white Americans to their demonization as they decline as a percent of the population demonstrates their lack of concern with their fate.


Decades of unbroken massive inflows of third world immigrants have destroyed the “melting pot” and produced in its place a tower of babel.  

In 1973 Jean Raspail predicted the fate of European peoples in his novel,

The Camp of the Saints. 
Buch: Jean Raspail, Das Heerlager der Heiligen (deutsch)

White people are now living his novel.

It will be interesting to see if the growing Hispanic population displaces the shrinking white population as the group against which blacks will make claims for slavery reparations.  

Hispanics consist in part of Spanish and Portuguese ancestry, and the Spanish and Portuguese were colonial powers in the New World who enslaved people.

In a world of Identity Politics, 
will Hispanics replace white people as the victimizer ?




Siehe dazu auch:

Das Heerlager der Heiligen
- (französisch 1973: Le Camp des Saints; deutsch 1985) -

ist der Titel eines Buches, in dem der französische Schriftsteller Jean Raspail in fiktionaler Form die gewaltfreie Invasion Europas durch verelendete Menschenmassen der Dritten Welt schildert.

Das Buch wird oft als literarische Antizipation der Flüchtlingskrise in Europa ab 2015 angesehen.

Der Titel des Buches ist von der Offenbarung des Johannes (20,9) inspiriert.