Hauptkategorie: ORTE
Kategorie: Amerika
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Are Americans Insouciant?

Paul Craig Roberts

On occasion a reader takes exception to my description of Americans as insouciant.  It is not our fault, the reader says.  We are misled by disformation fed to us by media and authorities we can no longer trust.  In a way the reader has a point, but not really. Anyone who can recognize disinformation and the untrustwortiness of authorities should be more alarmed, not less. 

To know you are being lied to, yet remain unconcerned
certainly indicates a casual lack of concern.


The American media has completely and totally failed the role assigned to it by our Founding Fathers, a role protected by the First Amendment.  Instead, the media speaks with one voice, censors and suppresses dissent, and creates a false reality by controlling explanations.  This is anti-democratic in the extreme.  Press prosititute is a precisely accurate term for the media.  

Polls, which might or might not be reliable, show that 46 percent of Americans trust the media even after the media’s total failure in covering the assassinations of John F. Kennedy, Robert Kennedy, Martin Luther King, Ruby Ridge, Waco, Oklahoma City bombing, the Israeli attack on the USS Liberty, Gulf of Tonkin, 9/11, Saddam Hussein’s weapons of mass destruction, Assad’s use of chemical weapons, Russian invasions, Iranian nukes, Russiagate, violent insurrection at the Capitol.  Indeed, far from investigating these events, the media spread the false accounts for the Establishment and is now egging on the impeachment of a former president no longer in office, thus encouraging and supporting an unconstitutional act by the US Congress. 

If the elected Congress of the United States itself disrespects the US Constitution, what hope can the American people have?

I rest my case that insouciance is a defining characteristic of the American people. Americans are unmotivated to protect the liberty bequeathed to them by the Glorious Revolution in England in 1688 that established the people through their elected representatives as the source of law and required the government to be subject to, not dictator of, law.

In the 21st century American presidents Bush and Obama stripped due process protection out of the US Constitution with the complicity of the Supreme Court, Congress, the media, bar associations, law school faculties, and the American people, and began rule by executive order.

Currently the First Amendment is being stripped out, and the Second Amendment is to follow.

Increasingly, as I predicted, presidents approved by the ruling Establishment (which eliminates Trump) create law by edicts. We are witnessing the Caesars replacing the Roman Republic.  Florida is a Republican state that refuses to oppress and bankrupt its citizens by ordering lockdowns.  It is an open state.  Where I reside life is normal and people are not dropping dead in the streets.  As far as I can tell, you wouldn’t even know there was a Covid threat.

Florida has to pay for disproving the Covid narrative of fear.  The illigetimate, coup-installed president Biden wants to lockdown interstate travel and prohibit travel to and from Florida.

You can bet your life that if Biden does, there will be no protest from the presstitutes, the Congress, the judiciary, the bar associations, the law schools.  Will there will be  Americans in the streets defending their rights?  

Will a compliant, insouciant American population accept their dictated role as obedient serfs of the state or will they rebell?

Until I see them rebell, I will call them insouciant.

