Hauptkategorie: MEDIEN
Kategorie: Buch-Hinweise
Zugriffe: 3258


Joseph Nye coined the term "soft power" in the late 1980s.

It is now used frequently—and often incorrectly—by political leaders, editorial writers, and academics around the world.

So what is soft power?
Soft power lies in the ability to attract and persuade.

Whereas hard power—the ability to coerce—grows out of a country's military or economic might,

soft power arises from the attractiveness of a country's culture, political ideals, and policies.

Hard power remains crucial in a world of states trying to guard their independence and of non-state groups willing to turn to violence.

It forms the core of the Bush administration's new national security strategy.
But according to Nye, the neo-conservatives who advise the president are making a major miscalculation:

They focus too heavily on using America's military power to force other nations to do our will, and they pay too little heed to our soft power.

That is why it is so essential that America better understands and applies our soft power.
This book is our guide.

