Hauptkategorie: ORTE
Kategorie: Europa
Zugriffe: 2413


The brainwashed and insouciant French electorate has voted to abolish the French nation. In five years France will exist only as a geographical location, a province in “Europe,” itself a province in global capitalism.

The French had a last chance to save their nation, but they could not do it because the French have been convinced that to be French is to be fascist and racist. Therefore, the French electorate defeated Marine Le Pen, the leader of the only political party that stands for France.

After five years under Macron, nothing will be left of France. Macron, the choice of Washington and the international bankers, represents, in the words of Diana Johnstone, “the trans-Atlantic elite totally committed to ‘globalization,’ using whatever is left of the power of national governments to weaken them still further, turning over decision-making to ‘the markets’—that is, to international capital managed by the major banks and financial institutions, notably those located in the United States, such as Goldman-Sachs.” Read Johnstone’s assessment here:

Macron defines himself as a “diversityite,” declaring that “there is no such thing as French culture.” Macron’s Minister of Armies and Defense declares that she “does not feel French.”
Macron follows the Russophobic line of the American neoconservatives, and rode to his inauguration in a military vehicle.

