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On Thursday, July 2, Glenn Beck discussed the case of Fr. Theodore Rothrock
who has been removed by his bishop for publicly criticizing Black Lives Matter.

Beck encourages Catholics to contact Bishop Timothy Doherty.

To read Fr. Rothrock's statement, visit



Aus einem Kommentar zu obigem Video:

You’re absolutely right

it’s all about fascist Liberalism
taking over America using Saul Alyinski tactics !

Funded by George Soros, Obama, Clinton cabal etc.
Communists take over of America

predicted by Albert Pike in 1871 !


'..... (marxistischer) Auszug ........

We disrupt the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure requirement
by supporting each other as

extended families and “villages” that collectively care for one another, especially our children,

to the degree that mothers, parents, and children are comfortable.

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We are witnessing the wholesale capitulation of the bishops before the Marxist mob.

Father Theodore Rothrock
from St. Elizabeth Seton Catholic Church in Carmel, Indiana was suspended this week after his condemnation of the radical Black Lives Matter protest movement published in the parish’s Sunday bulletin on June 28, 2020.

Liberal media outlets almost immediately published excerpts from the bulletin article and called for Rothrock’s removal.

Here is the Father Rothrock’s column in its entirety:

The lady (doth) protest too much, methinks

Today in Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time 28 June 2020

This dialogue from Hamlet is taken from Act 3, scene 2 and is a response to Hamlet’s query: “how like you this play?” The line suggests a hidden agenda that is revealed in the objections, where the accuser is actually the perpetrator.

History is replete with examples of misdirection.

In 2001 the Taliban destroyed the Buddhas of Bamyan, the 6th century monumental statues of Gautama Buddha in central Afghanistan, claiming them to be pagan idols.

The world was horrified, but did nothing about it.

Despots and tyrants have always employed accusation and distortion to achieve all manner of mischief in an effort to shape and mold public opinion.

Anyone currently doing business with Amazon could not help but notice the prominent banner headline from the internet giant touting their proud support for “Black Lives Matter.”

But do those black lives really matter to the community organizers promoting their agenda?

The brutal murder of a black man in police custody has sparked a landslide of reaction to the alleged systemic racism in America. We are being told that the scars of race relations in this country are really unhealed wounds that continue to fester and putrefy; amputation is required! Reforms must be sweeping and immediate to crush the rising wave of racism that pervades the nation and perverts the body politic.

On the heels of the Covid sequestration, the bottled-up tension of an isolated population has exploded into riots and demonstrations that we have not seen the like in fifty years.

What would the great visionary leaders of the past be contributing to the discussion at this point in time? Would men like Fredrick Douglas and the Reverend King, both men of deep faith, be throwing bombs or even marching in the streets? Would they be pleased with the murder rates in our cities or the destruction of our families by the welfare system? Would they see a value in the obliteration of our history to re-write a future without the experience and struggles of the past?

Would we tear down their monuments?

Who are the real racists and the purveyors of hate? You shall know them by their works.

The only lives that matter are their own and the only power they seek is their own. They are wolves in wolves clothing, masked thieves and bandits, seeking only to devour the life of the poor and profit from the fear of others.

They are maggots and parasites at best, feeding off the isolation of addiction and broken families, and offering to replace any current frustration and anxiety with more misery and greater resentment.

The message of peace that comes to us in Christ is the gospel we carry in common with the Orthodox Churches and other Christians. We must stand in solidarity with our brethren across the world to oppose this malevolent force.

Black Lives Matter, Antifa, and the other nefarious acolytes of their persuasion are not the friends or allies we have been led to believe.

They are serpents in the garden, seeking only to uproot and replant a new species of human made in the likeness of men and not in the image of God.  

Their poison is more toxic than any pandemic we have endured.

The father of lies has not just been seen in our streets, we have invited him into our home. Now he is prowling like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.

Resist him, strong in your faith.


On Tuesday, Fr. Rothrock was forced to issue an apology, stating “It was not my intention to offend anyone and I am sorry that my words have caused any hurt to anyone.”

Apparently this was not enough for the “frothing at the mouth” Marxists calling for his removal. 

On Wednesday, Bishop Timothy Doherty removed Fr. Rothrock from public ministry.

By decree of Bishop Doherty, effective 12 p.m. noon July 1, 2020 Father Theodore Rothrock is suspended from public ministry according to Canon 1333. The suspension comes in the wake of Father Rothrock’s June 28 bulletin article.

The Bishop expresses pastoral concern for the affected communities. The suspension offers the Bishop an opportunity for pastoral discernment for the good of the diocese and for the good of Father Rothrock.

Various possibilities for his public continuation in priestly ministry are being considered, but he will no longer be assigned as Pastor of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel as his next appointment.

Deacon Bill Reid will serve as Administrator of St. Elizabeth Seton as of 12 p.m. noon July 1, 2020.


Contact Bishop Timothy Doherty and RESPECTFULLY
ask him to reverse his decision to remove Fr. Rothrock from active ministry.
