Hauptkategorie: THEMEN
Kategorie: Wissenschaft(en)
Zugriffe: 3367


Technology is hijacking our minds and society.

Our world-class team of deeply concerned former tech insiders and CEOs intimately understands the culture, business incentives, design techniques, and organizational structures driving how technology hijacks our minds.

Since 2013, we’ve raised awareness of the problem within tech companies and for millions of people through broad media attention, convened top industry executives, and advised political leaders. Building on this start, we are advancing thoughtful solutions to change the system.




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Google, Facebook & Co. treiben vom Silicon Valley aus die digitale Revolution voran.
Milliarden von Nutzern verleihen ihnen Macht.

Doch nun formiert sich massive Kritik
– sie geht ausgerechnet von Ex-Mitarbeitern der Konzerne aus.