Hauptkategorie: ORTE
Kategorie: Amerika
Zugriffe: 2243


The Vatican is reporting that Pope Francis and Pope Emeritus Benedict have both taken the abortion-tainted COVID vaccine.

Meanwhile, Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò has issued a scathing response to the Pope’s suggestion that everyone else must take it, too.

And finally, it’s not only Nancy Pelosi who is trying to incite a race war in America.
Her cancerous falsehood is spreading, and I’m going to debunk it right now.

Read the article here: https://lifesitenews.com/blogs/the-sh...



In today's episode of The John-Henry Westen Show, Westen interviews Pamela Acker, one of the most knowledgeable people in the world on vaccines and on what goes into them. 

2021 is off to a wild start,
with President Trump excoriating the mainstream media,
Pope Francis promoting religious indifferentism, and
China's President Xi telling troops to prepare for war.

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