
Paul Craig Roberts

It is March and time for my quarterly request for your donations.  This website is carried by monthly donors.  I remind other users on a quarterly basis that they need to support the endangered species of people who tell the truth.  I look forward to your support. I remind you that truth is not something you can take for granted.

In the Western world truth is almost non-existent.

In the past two years we have seen that the Western peoples are more badly and more corruptly led than any people in previous history. 

The peoples were deceived about a “Covid pandemic” that was entirely an orchestration.

Yes, the virus existed,

  • but the “pandemic” was orchestrated by a PCR (no relation) test that produces up to 97% false positives and has been discontinued from use for this reason. 

  • The large number of Covid cases were pure fantasy based on false positives.  

  • The number of deaths were orchestrated by giving hospitals large financial incentives to report deaths as Covid deaths, regardless of cause. 

  • The fear generated by fabricated numbers of cases and deaths drove  people to accept injections of they knew not what. 

  • It turns out that the untested “vaccine” is a larger threat to health and life than Covid itself, and the death and injury rates mount as the “vaccine” does its deadly work in the bodies of injected people. 

  • It remains to be seen what the long term death rate of the “vaccine” will be.

All of the other Covid measures did much harm and no good. 

  • The masks proved to be a cause of illness, not a preventer of illness. 

  • The lockdowns disrupted production, destroyed jobs, businesses, and supply chains, and are the cause of the current sharp increase in prices.


In Western universities today, especially American and British ones, reason is a “white racist construct” used to oppress “people of color,” that is, non-whites.

As reason is reduced to a tool of racist oppression, how can it function in regulating human behavior? 

As its use implies racism, reason is abandoned. 

Just try to find any reason in the West’s response to Covid and in the West’s response to Russia’s security concerns.  There is none

The West today is a world without reason.  This places the current Western world far back into history  when witchcraft and other such substituted for reason. 

Reason is so far gone in the West that the Cat Federation thinks it is punishing Russia by prohibiting Western peoples from having Russian cats!  

In other words, we have reached the mindless stage in our collapsing civilization.

What can be done about it?  

We have

  • on the one hand the horrified Western liberal, progressive, left who see a great crime in Russia’s defense of Russians,

  • and on the other hand we have the blind anger from patriotic flag-waving conservatives, such as Hannity and Lindsey, calling for the assassination of the President of Russia.

Putin should take notice.

His assassination is possible because of his own  toleration of pro-American elements in his own government and US-financed Russian media and NGO organizations committed to regime change in Russia. 

Apparently, Putin thinks he is proving his commitment to democracy by permitting freedom of operation of  Western-financed groups committed to the destabilization of Russia and perhaps  his assassination.

The Russian desire to be part of the West indicates a country that is disconnected from reality. 
Unless Russia develops better comprehension of the unreason that confronts her,

Russia might yet have to choose between nuclear war or becoming  another Washington puppet state.    

