
Paul Craig Roberts

A scientific study recently released by British researchers found that for men under forty the risk of myocarditis almost doubled after the first Pfizer jab. The risk doubled again after the second jab, and doubled again after the third jab to eight times the baseline risk. For the Moderna version, the risks were 16 times the baseline risk after the second jab.

Why then are there vaccine mandates? Is this stupidity or a depopulation program? This is a legitimate question.

The adverse effects, or side-effects, of the mRNA “vaccines” that are under-reported to VAERS are not side effects in the traditional sense, such as an allergic response to a vaccine or the effect of a substance in a vaccine on a person sensitive to that substance.

What are being called adverse effects are consequences of the “vaccine” turning the human immune system into a weapon against its own body, as described by Dr. Sucharit Bahkdi and others:

What is said to be an immunogen is in fact a pathogen engineered to be distributed throughout the body and to attack heart, lungs, brain, ovaries, and all vital organs. Disabilities and deaths result.



An expert pointed out to me that clearly medical authorities do not mind if the vaccine is killing people, and the deaths are consistent with the Bill Gates/World Economic Forum intent to reduce the world population. However, an intermediate goal is to transition to the vaccine passport as in Germany, Austria, Italy, Greece, and with France, Belgium and the Netherlands about to join in the requirement of a digital ID that allows tracking of everyone and every interaction and, thereby, control of the population with rewards and punishments like the Chinese Social Credit System. This allows the controlled populations to be scapegoated for the mayhem caused by depopulation.

This is a reasonable explanation for the emphasis on Covid passports. As it is known and admitted that the vaccine is inefficient as a protection against the virus, and as the virus is dangerous mainly to untreated patients with comorbidities, the passport is pointless for any purpose other than control. The passport provides no protection whatsoever against the spread of the virus and the immune system’s attack on the body’s vital organs.

