Paul Craig Roberts (en)

Institute for Political Economy
  1. Suggestions for Trump in His Debate with Kamala Paul Craig Roberts Now that a debate is back on schedule for Tuesday September 10, I have these suggestions for Trump: Trump must leave Kamala alone and address issues whether or not she does. If he attacks Kamala, certainly a target, American women will vote against him.…
  2. Director of National Intelligence Contradicts DOJ’s Allegation that Russians using Conservative Pundits Are Interfering in Nov Election The Jew Biden installed in the Justice (sic) Department who misuses law as a weapon against Republicans lied, again, when he claimed without any evidence that Russia had infiltrated conservative American pundits and were using them to influence…
  3. A black resident of Springfield explains to a disinterested city commission how the city is being transformed by immigrant-invaders American blacks are much more aware of problems brought to us by the Democrats’ importation of immigrant-invaders, because blacks are much closer to it than is the white population. This black makes a great deal of…
  4. Now It Is the White House that Is Smearing Tucker Carlson Paul Craig Roberts CNN, NY Times, and WH Press Secretary Bates Are Smearing Tucker Carlson as a Hitler apologist in an Attempt to Shut Him Down. Tucker interviewed Darryl Cooper whose view of World War II appears to be based in the 50-year…
  5. “Coffee and a Mike,” PCR and Michael Farris Discussing the Prospect of War and Tyranny
  6. A bipartisan panel of judges unanimously ruled in favor of X and against a California law that seeks to regulate speech on social media platforms. It seems unbelievable. The liberal 9th circuit ruled for Musk and Freedom of Speech against the tyrannical California government. If this keeps up, America might again become a free country.…
  7. Is it the Parent’s fault or the villages? Do you realize that we know more about the Georgia shooter and family in 2 days than we know about the plot to assassinate Trump to which we were eye witnesses on video? Notice also that the Georgia shooter is the second case of indicting parents for…
  8. Americans’ Worst Enemies Are the Democrat Party and the Presstitute Media Tyler Durden reports: “The radical progressive Biden-Harris-Mayorkas trio are destroying American sovereignty and endangering the lives of law-abiding citizens as armed Venezuelan prison gangs with AR-style rifles and pistols run amok in the northern Denver suburb of Aurora and other sanctuary cities run by far-left Democrats. We learned this week…
  9. Get used to it.
  10. Democrats fully embrace the replacement of the white American population A white person who votes Democrat is mentally insane.
  11. List updated Sept 8 I am Proud of my Readers For me the reward from the website is the intelligent readers. You provide an escape from American insouciance. Thank you for responding to my question about who we should expect to find on the Ruling Establishment’s list of those to be silenced or exterminated. We…
  12. Trump’s Sentencing Judge Changes the Date so as Not to Interfere with the Election Paul Craig Roberts The Democrat operative pretending to be a judge who set Trump’s sentencing date for September 18 has backed off and reset it for after the election. The Democrat operative said he changed the date in order to avoid…
  13. Hunter Biden Now Wants to Plead Guilty to Income Tax Evasion Special counsel David Weiss says that instead of paying his taxes, Hunter Biden “spent this money on drugs, escorts and girlfriends, luxury hotels and rental properties, exotic cars, clothing, and other items of a personal nature, in short, everything but his taxes.” Two…
  14. Putin’s Inability to Act Is Bringing On the Worst War in Human History—defense-minister-1119999193.html
  15. Who Is On the Enemies List? Paul Craig Roberts As I suspected the ruling elite have an enemies list. As Tulsi Gabbard is on it, I assume all are on the list who question official narratives. Americans are so insouciant and brainwashed that they cannot see the tyranny that is staring them in the…
  16. Does the Ruling Elite Have an Extermination List? Paul Craig Roberts Look at the size of Tucker Carlson’s audience. It exceeds that of all Demorat politicians combined. Tucker is dangerous to the American gestapo establishment. That is why he and Elon Musk head my list of Americans who are likely to quietly disappear once…

The Persecution of Reiner Fuellmich Indicates the Rise of a New Nazi Germany Peter Koenig 
For 11 months, Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, German Civil Rights lawyer, has been unjustly retained in prison in pre-trail detention that exceeds the permissible time. Like Julian Assange, Dr. Fuellmich is imprisoned without evidence, trial, and conviction. The German Gestapo State…
  18. PCR on Target with Larry Sparano Neither side wants the truth of the attempted assassination of Trump
  19. ‘We’re In Banana Republic Land’: Alan Dershowitz Says Judge Should Delay Trump Sentencing as it is an effort to influence the election
  20. The 2024 Election Steal Moves Forward Arizona Democrats, in power from a stolen election, refuse to remove immigrant-invaders from the voter rolls. A private organization has filed a lawsuit against all 15 Arizona counties that are permitting illegal aliens to vote. Wake up Americans. You are eliminating yourselves with your own insouciance. A corrupt…
  21. It is extraordinary that any white person would vote vote for a member of the Democrat party that intends to replace white American citizens with immigrant-invaders. When roughly half of a country’s population is this utterly stupid, the country essentially no longer exists. As readers know, I do not think that the gestapo that rules…
  22. The Resurrection of Nazi Germany The 21st century version is worse than the 20th century version. Paul Craig Roberts Dr. Reiner Fuellmich is a renowned German attorney who has succeeded in holding elites accountable. He is widely appreciated by people for bringing justice to bear where it is needed. During the years of the Covid…
  23. The German Gestapo State Wants to Prosecute a Social Media User for Calling a Fat German Politician Fat The new German Nazis have ruled that truth and factual statements are crimes if they offend. We can laugh, but it is deadly serious.
  24. Bobby Kennedy Tells Too Much Truth. They Are Going to Kill Him Just as They Killed His Father and Uncle.
  25. Woke Washington State Is In Violation Of the US Constitution’s Requirement for Equality Under the Law Washington state has sparked fury with its new home loan program that offers a whopping $150,000 in assistance – but only if you’re the right race.
  26. Democrat NY Governor Involved with Chinese Spy
  27. Immigrant-invader Gangs Busy at Work “liberating” Colorado Apartment Houses Paul Craig Roberts Dear Americans, you desperately need to WAKE UP. You are losing your country and your liberty and your property by the minute, and almost half of you are about to vote to keep in power the Democrats who are destroying you. In Colorado…
  28. Truth is being Removed from the Western World, Leaving a Gestapo Police State in its Place Paul Craig Roberts Not even one value of Western civilization remains. All values that composed an era of freedom have been repudiated. The example of the hour is Telegram owner Durov’s indictment in France. The basis of the French…
  29. Democrat Robert Reich Has Gone Pure Gestapo
  30. Tyranny Is Closer Than You Realize Paul Craig Roberts It is strange that there is no discussion of it, but in two weeks and one day on September 18 Donald Trump, the Republican candidate for president in the November election in two months, is scheduled by a corrupt Democrat “judge” to be sentenced for 34…
  31. In 2 Months Americans Will Know Whether Tyranny Is Their Future Dear Friends, this 3 minute 23 second segment of a speech by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., posted on X is the most important speech you will ever hear about how Washington loots Americans and foreign countries: You will see why the ruling elite…
  32. The War Against the South By Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr.
  33. This Is What Happens When Democrats Get In Power Another “justice impacted person”? 16-Times Deported Illegal Alien Charged with Killing 64-Year-Old Colorado Man Faces Max ONE YEAR in Prison After Democrat DA Seeks Lenient Sentence
  34. In California the right to vote is no longer reserved to US citizens. In California anyone can vote–Russians, Chinese, Iranians on tourist visas, and the immigrant-invaders who just entered illegally. This is the woke definition of a “free country.” Can we get rid of this state and give it back to Mexico?
  35. Why Do Democrats want a piece of excrement like Kamala to be President of the United States?
  36. Why Did the FBI Quickly Cremate Crooks? What Evidence Did the FBI Dispose of?
  37. A Vote for Kamala Is a Vote for Tyranny When We Lose the Constitution, We Lose America Paul Craig Roberts It is clear that large numbers of Americans have no conception of what is at stake in the November presidential election. Insouciance, being an American trait, is especially high this Labor Day Weekend. Probably few…
  38. The Assassination Attempt that Wasn’t Paul Craig Roberts The ruling establishment’s attempt to assassinate Donald Trump has been swept under the rug. Not even conservatives and Republicans want the truth out. The reason is that the truth shatters the idealistic illusions and delusions that “USA, USA, USA Conservatives” have about America and casts discredit on…
  39. Jim Quinn Reports that The Fourth Turning Is Upon Us “All tyrannies rule through fraud and force, but once the fraud is exposed, they must rely exclusively on force.” – George Orwell An explosion of crime is one of their ways of controlling us. The only way freedom can survive in America is through an…
  40. Zuck, Musk & Durov: Who Caved to Government Censorship and Who Defended Free Speech–durov-who-caved-to-government-censorship-and-who-defended-free-speech-1119947565.html
  41. Has Brazil Learned Its Bad Manners from Washington or is Moraes Just Another Paid Washington Functionary
  42. Globalism Forbids Freedom of Speech Brazil is just another globalist puppet country
  43. The 2024 US Presidential Election Has Already Been Stolen Paul Craig Roberts On August 28, I listed some of the electoral procedures Democrats are putting in place in order to steal the November presidential election: Minneapolis has designated those who entered the US illegally “justice impacted individuals” and put them into a protected class which…
  44. The Final Extermination of Palestine Has Begun . . . and in the Gaza Strip, the Israeli colonial army has pushed the 2 million surviving Palestinians into an area of less than 15 square kilometers (less than 6 square miles). It continues bombing them. The obvious aim is to push the whole population into Egypt’s…
  45. America Has a Government that Does Not Represent Americans The US has a Jewish deputy director of the CIA, a Jewish Secretary of the Treasury, a Jewish Secretary of State, a Jewish Secretary of Homeland Security, a Jewish Attorney General (Department of Justice). Does the US government have anyone who is not Jewish? Is there…
  46. Has Zuckerberg Found a Bit of Backbone ? The founder of Meta,* Mark Zuckerberg, expressed regret that he did not push back against pressure from the US government to censor speech on Meta’s Facebook platform in a letter to US House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan (R-OH). The tech billionaire asserted that his platform is…