Paul Craig Roberts (en)

Institute for Political Economy
  1. USA as I knew it has passed into the trash bin of history Paul Craig Roberts Kamala Harris says she has raised $230,000,000 in campaign funds from rich American liberals. Why are rich American liberals so determined to have Kamala as President of the United States? One reason could be because she, unlike Trump, is…
  2. Are there skeletons in the closet of NBC’s VP choice for Kamala? Paul Craig Roberts Since posting this article: “Democrats Need Second Thoughts About Possible VP Candidate Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro:” media have been hyping Shapiro as the VP Kamala needs: Shapiro is suspected of covering up a murder in order to protect…
  3. The US Congress Doubled My Predicted Standing Ovations for Netanyahu As “our” Congress accepts fiction as fact and supports the attempted Israeli genocide of the Palestinians, how can we expect morally and constitutionally appropriate governance?
  4. US Representatives Jim Jordan & James Comer Must Undertake a Congressional investigation of the Assassination Attempt on Trump Paul Craig Roberts There is competent analysis on the Internet of acoustic evidence indicating more than one shooter involved in the attempt on Trump’s life. Obviously, what is needed is a credible, brave, credentialed acoustic expert to…
  5. The Assassination Attempt & the US Election PCR interviewed by ZurZeit, Vienna, Austria On July 13, an assassination attempt was made on the Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump. Can you tell us more about the background? Why should Trump be eliminated? Since 2016 Trump has been regarded by the ruling establishment as a threat to…
  6. NY Attorney General Letitia James Used Lawfare to Destroy the Website Vdare No NY court would stop the destruction of free speech and inquiry. In other words NY has a judicial system conducting war on the US Constitution. The Constitution is in the way of the Democrat agenda and is slated for destruction. It has…
  7. There Will Be No Real Investigation of the Assassination Attempt on Trump Paul Craig Roberts Since my last update, Mike Adams has changed his position again. He now believes based on the latest evidence that there were two shooters. Since Mike Adams backed off of his more than one shooter hypothesis where at about 7:35…
  8. UPDATE to the interpretation by Mike Adams of the acoustic evidence Paul Craig Roberts Mike Adams reports he has acquired 5 other recordings of the shooting taken from different locations. It is not clear by who and what the chain of custody has been. The one he first reported on is the Fox News recording…
  9. Soren Korsgaard and I are going to try our hand at podcasts at this site: The first effort is up. If “The PCR Podcast” attracts viewers, we will continue and expand the effort.
  10. A Day of Infamy Today the US Congress Grovels Before the Murderer of Palestine who demands that Trump also Present himself and kneel before America’s Ruler.
  11. Marjorie Taylor Greene asks the right question: “Was it a stand down order?” Rep. Burchett asks why Secret Service allowed Trump to take the stage when there was a gunman on the roof aiming in Trump’s direction. In other words, the Secret Service’s failures are too huge to be attributed to incompetence.
  12. How Crooks Was Recruited as the Patsy Mobile Data Reveals Someone Who Regularly Visited Thomas Crooks’ Home and Work Also Visited a Building in Washington DC Near FBI Office Senator wants answers:
  13. Democrats Need Second Thoughts About Possible VP Candidate Josh Shapiro Josh Shapiro, the Democrat governor of Pennsylvania, a swing state, is among those under consideration as the Democrat presidential or vice presidential candidate. While serving as Pennsylvania attorney general, Shapiro seems to have had a role in covering up what looks like a murder.…
  14. The Digital Revolution Was a Fatal Mistake. It Must Be Repealed. It is extremely easy to sell Americans a bill of goods. Americans are technically and scientifically ignorant and very gullible. They emote. They don’t reason. They “think” with their emotions. Reason is not their thing. Disney “breached”, data dumped online iPhone users in…
  15. The plan is to destroy all countries based on white ethnicity, Russia included
  17. Deep State Could Take ‘Another Shot’ at Trump – Two Former US Officials—two-former-us-officials-1119453400.html
  18. Update: Here is Rep. Jim Jordan giving Cheatle hell. As you can see, the Republicans are not even in the ball park. The issue as framed by Republicans and media is: did the Secret Service provide enough resources to protect Trump. This is not the issue. The media will treat Jordan as a Republican male…
  19. My Take on the Assassination Attempt Paul Craig Roberts Based on the acoustic analysis presented by Mike Adams and Chris Martenson ( ), here is my interpretation of the attempted assassination of Donald Trump. Adams concluded that the first three shots came from Crooks on the building roof. However, Adams later says he thinks…
  20. Will Trump’s Near Assassination by the Deep State Be Covered Up? Paul Craig Roberts After many years of accusing truth tellers of being “conspiracy theorists,” presstitutes join the ranks of conspiracy theorists. Keith Olbermann says Trump is lying about being shot and that there is no confirmation from police or doctors that Trump was hit…
  21. Does America Have a Future? Paul Craig Roberts As readers know, I expected Biden to be moved aside. I wondered why the Democrats were waiting so long. They might have been waiting to see if the planned assassination of Trump succeeded. Biden is an issue because he cannot win or come close enough to winning…
  22. Acoustic Evidence Proves Beyond All Doubt More Than One Shooter Paul Craig Roberts I and others have pointed out astonishing voids in the Secret Service’s protection of Trump. The voids are so egregious that they cannot be blamed on incompetence. Scott Ritter says that intent is the only explanation. Now these conclusions are backed by…
  23. Update: Other than nuclear war, the digital revolution is mankind’s greatest disaster Paul Craig Roberts It has been clear to me from the beginning that the digital revolution was a massive catastrophe in the making. The digital revolution is a catastrophe across the board. It not only gives government ability to impose tyranny beyond…
  24. A Shameful Day Approaches Paul Craig Roberts In 3 days Netanyahu, the epitome of evil, addresses the cowardly US Congress that he controls with fear and money. He will tell them that his extermination of Palestine will free Israel from terrorism, and Congress will give him 30 standing ovations. As Trump himself is in Israel’s…
  25. PAUL CRAIG ROBERTS: Trump Shooting –Conspiracy or Keystone Cops? On Target with Larry Sparano interviews PCR
  26. Remnants of a once independent or semi-independent American media are passing away. Lou Dobbs, a CNN and Fox News host for many years has passed away at 78 years of age. Compared to “journalists” today, Lou was independent. He understood that American freedom depended on the public’s awareness. In response to his independence from official…
  27. The Official Narrative of Trump’s Near Assassination is Being Formed Paul Craig Roberts The official narrative for Trump’s near assassination that is forming seems to be Secret Service incompetence. The security voids are being attributed to an inexperienced Secret Service team, to a lack of communication between local police and Secret Service, and to the…
  28. The Veils Are Falling Away “Americans see clearly that someone in power wanted President Trump dead. They see clearly that this fight is not over.” — Naomi Wolf Here is a challenging essay by Naomi Wolf: “Lady MacBiden”
  29. Have We Lost Trump? “Trump’s defiance has apparently given way to a more conciliatory approach to politics. Speaking to the New York Post on Sunday, the Republican presidential candidate said that he had written ‘an extremely tough speech… all about the corrupt, horrible administration’ for delivery at the RNC on Thursday, but ‘threw it away’…
  30. Secret Service’s Explanations For Security Failures Aren’t Adding Up
  31. Reports: Police Were Stationed Below Trump Shooter, Who Was Allegedly Spotted Nearly 30 Minutes Before It does seem like the Secret Service wanted Trump dead. Having failed Trump so badly, how can Trump trust them now?
  32. The Cost of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
  33. A Fox News report and a video both showing the inadequacy of the explanation of the assassination attempt
  34. The Assassination Attempt Paul Craig Roberts Some say that it is too early to know what explains Trump’s near assassination. However, a good case can be made that we already know all we will ever know. The passage of time simply allows official narratives to be constructed, and they are used to muddy the waters.…
  35. Has the National Security Elite Decided on Trump’s Assassination and Already Picked the Patsy–Iran? More attempts on Trump possible within weeks – Politico Iran is actively plotting to kill the former US president, US officials have claimed Iran denies involvement in Trump assassination attempt
  36. The CIA’s Assassination Plots
  37. Listen to the CNN blond bimbo try to stop the expert from saying the security failures that permitted the attempt on Trump’s life need to be investigated.
  38. This is the epitome of a Democrat. Weep for America.
  39. Elon Musk Moves His Companies out of the “derelict zombie apocalypse” known as California
  40. Further Thoughts on the Near Assassination Paul Craig Roberts “The fact that [the Secret Service] allowed a rifle armed shooter within 150 yds to a preplanned event is either malice or massive incompetence.” — Security expert Erik Prince, Navy Seal and founder of Blackwater One of the most puzzling aspects of the near assassination of…
  41. RussiaGate 2.0 Professor Michel Chossudovsky
  42. Ron Paul is on Point Video has emerged showing that for at least two minutes law enforcement knew someone with a gun was on a roof aiming at the former President and no one communicated the need to pull Trump from the stage. You can clearly hear the crowd warning law enforcement that someone was…
  43. Is Mayorkas Turning a Plot to Assassinate Trump into a “Secret Service Failure”?
  44. The Presstitutes Were Agents of the Attempted Assassination “The central premise of the Biden campaign is that President Donald Trump is an authoritarian fascist who must be stopped at all costs. That rhetoric led directly to President Trump’s attempted assassination.” — VP candidate J.D. Vance
  45. It took the attempt on Trump’s life before the Biden regime would provide Secret Service for presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Uncertain what the protection is worth.
  46. Trump’s classified documents case dismissed In case the whore media didn’t tell you.
  47. Did We Just Witness the FBI’s Attempt on Trump’s Life? Paul Craig Roberts A number of independent security experts have noted egregious failures in the Secret Service’s protection of Trump’s venue. Perhaps most notable was the failure to include the nearby buildings in the security zone. Three possible explanations have been offered: incompetence, intent, and…
  48. PCR Interviewed by Center for Geopolitical Forecasts about the November US Presidential Election
  49. Dems Pushed Bill To Take Away Trump’s Secret Service Detail