
Paul Craig Roberts

The Kremlin emanates confusion.  The Kremlin is doing its best to appease the West, and the West won’t let them.  Just consider the matter of Russia servicing its foreign debt.  The West has done everything possible to prevent Russia from servicing her debt, and Russia has done everything possible to turn its money over to the same West that has stolen $300 billion of Russia’s foreign reserves and is pummeling Russia with sanctions, blockades of one part of Russia to another, of massive insults, designating the Russian President Putin as a war criminal that must be tried in an international tribunal, and now a Finnish mayor  on Russia’s border is advocating a NATO military base in his town even though NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said that nuclear weapons might be deployed in Finland and Sweden.


My patriotic readers are probably wondering why I am chastising the Kremlin for setting Russia up for defeat, not of course in Donbass but on the wider scene.  


Whose side is Roberts on?

I am on the side of avoiding a wider war that will end in nuclear war.  

Both Washington and the Kremlin are making mistakes that will result in nuclear war.  

  • Washington pushed by neoconservative ideology is intent on hegemony and in pursuit of hegemony crosses Russian red lines.  By not enforcing her red lines,

  • Russia encourages more provocations.  In effect, as I have explained, Russia’s tolerance of provocations results in more provocations.  

Washington no longer believes that there are any Russian red lines.  This is a mistaken belief, but it is an operative one, and it is the Kremlin’s fault.


The Kremlin has overlooked that the breakup of the Soviet/Russian empire created new countries whose leaders Washington can purchase to cause difficulties for Russia. The gullible, trusting Russians fell for this, and now Washington can come at them on many fronts in proxy combat.  Russia, having been brainwashed by American neoliberal economists, does not know how to fight in the economic arena.  All Russia has is her military, and so far the Kremlin only permits its use in a limited and constrained way. The consequence will be a demoralized Russian military.

To the West this seems like a lack of Kremlin nerve and determination, and so the West thinks it can break Russia’s will by piling on provocations.  I think that the West is mistaken, but the West is encouraged to push harder by Russia’s unwillingness to put down a hard foot that would make the West realize that there really are Russian red lines.

At this time Russian red lines appear to Washington as mythical creatures like the legalisms in which the Kremlin foolishly believes.

Is the Kremlin Deaf ?




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