Siehe dazu auch:
uncutnews.ch - US-Militärexperte im Interview: Weißes Haus plant militärische Intervention in der Ukraine
uncutnews.ch - Der Mann, der den Klimawandel erfand und Schwabs Great Reset Agenda beeinflusste
expose-news.com - A Destructive Plan to Transform the Global Financial System Under the Guise Of “Climate Change” - (en)
Maurice Strong, Discover the Networks
Maurice Strong and the Roots of the Great Reset Agenda, Matthew Ehret, 25 November 2020
Matthew Ehret: How the Unthinkable Became Thinkable, The Exposé, 1 March 2022
Meet Maurice Strong: Globalist, Oligarch, “Environmentalist”, The Corbett Report, 31 January 2016
The Rhodes Scholars Guiding Biden’s Presidency, Matthew Ehret, 26 March 2022
The transition from using Covid to using Climate Change as the justification for implementing the Fourth Industrial Revolution and the “digital transformation” of the economy and society is well underway,
The Exposé, 19 October 2021
Wir sprechen heute über die Verwerfungen in Deutschland:
Energiekrise, Inflation, Krieg, Regierung, Blackout, globale Spannungen + Lösungen