
Israel has adopted the Covid Lockdown policies with a severity unmatched internationally. They have pushed vaccination at a rate that leaves even the United Kingdom far behind.

Gilad Atzmon, joins me to discuss the effects of this policy, the statistics coming out of Israel and the questions we should be asking.


Let’s say, for the sake of argument, that Atzmon is right. Let’s say, there is, in fact, “a close correlation between mass vaccination, cases and deaths.” And let’s also say that “This correlation points at the possibility that it is the vaccinated who actually spread the virus or even a range of mutants that are responsible for the radical shift in symptoms above.”

Is that even possible?

Can people who have been vaccinated
become super-spreaders of a more virulent and lethal form of the virus?

Yes, they can.

They can become carriers of a more deadly strain of the infection and kill hundreds of others they come in contact with before dying themselves. Just look at this excerpt from a 2015 article at PBS. It helps to explain the phenomenon that Atzmon suggests in his observations. The article is titled, “This chicken vaccine makes its virus more dangerous”:

“The deadliest strains of viruses often take care of themselves — they flare up and then die out. This is because they are so good at destroying cells and causing illness that they ultimately kill their host before they have time to spread. But a chicken virus that represents one of the deadliest germs in history breaks from this conventional wisdom, thanks to an inadvertent effect from a vaccine. Chickens vaccinated against Marek’s disease rarely get sick. But the vaccine does not prevent them from spreading Marek’s to unvaccinated birds. “With the hottest strains, every unvaccinated bird dies within 10 days. …

In fact, rather than stop fowl from spreading the virus, the vaccine allows the disease to spread faster and longer than it normally would, a new study finds. The scientists now believe that this vaccine has helped this chicken virus become uniquely virulent... The study was published on Monday in the journal PLOS Biology….

The reason this is a problem for Marek’s disease is because the vaccine is “leaky.” A leaky vaccine is one that keeps a microbe from doing serious harm to its host, but doesn’t stop the disease from replicating and spreading to another individual. On the other hand, a “perfect” vaccine is one that sets up lifelong immunity that never wanes and blocks both infection and transmission.

In recent years, experts have wondered if leaky vaccines were to blame for the emergence of these hot strains. The 1970s introduction of the Marek’s disease immunizations for baby chicks kept the poultry industry from collapse, but people soon learned that vaccinated birds were catching “the bug” without subsequently dying. Then, over the last half century, symptoms for Marek’s worsened. Paralysis was more permanent; brains more quickly turned to mush….

Read’s group started their investigation by exposing vaccinated and unvaccinated Rhode Island Red chickens to one of five Marek’s disease strains that ranged from hot to cold. The hottest strains killed every unvaccinated bird within 10 days, and the team noticed that barely any virus was shed from the feathers of the chickens during that time. In contrast, vaccination extended the lifespan of birds exposed to the hottest strains, with 80 percent living longer than two months. But the vaccinated chickens were transmitting the virus, shedding 10,000 times more virus than an unvaccinated bird.

“Previously, a hot strain was so nasty, it wiped itself out. Now, you keep its host alive with a vaccine, then it can transmit and spread in the world,” Read said. “So, it’s got an evolutionary future, which it didn’t have before.”

But does this evolutionary future breed more dangerous viruses?

This study argues yes. In a second experiment, unvaccinated and vaccinated chickens were infected with one of the five Marek’s disease strains, and then put into a second arena with a second set of unimmunized birds, known as sentinels…. The virus spread to sentinel birds nine days faster if it came from a vaccinated chicken versus an unvaccinated one. In addition, sentinels died faster when exposed to vaccinated chickens versus unvaccinated chickens.

One way to look at that experiment is that shows vaccinating birds kills unvaccinated birds. The vaccination of one group of birds leads to the transmission of a virus so hot that it kills the other birds, said Read said……

“Our concern here, primarily and foremost, is whether this is going to happen with any of the vaccines that we give to people,” said molecular biology James Bull of the University of Texas Austin, who specializes in the evolution of viruses and bacteria….

To test the imperfect vaccine hypothesis in humans, you would need monitor the vaccine response for either a large or isolated population for a long time. Doing this would allow a researcher to gauge how the vaccine interacts with the virus and if that relationship is evolving. Does the vaccine merely reduce symptoms, or does it also keep patients from getting infected and transmitting the virus?” (““This chicken vaccine makes its virus more dangerous”, PBS)

There it is in black and white. If you create a “leaky vaccine” that “merely reduces symptoms” but does NOT “keep patients from getting infected and transmitting the virus”, then “you would need monitor the vaccine response for either a large or isolated population for a long time.”

In other words, in order to avoid a horrific catastrophe that could involve the deaths of millions of people, long-term trials are absolutely essential.

It is imperative that the mRNA vaccines be terminated until there is verifiable proof that they are safe.


1–“Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla Admits Israel Is the ‘World’s Lab.'”, Gilad Atzmon, The Unz Review

2– “The Israeli Mutant, the IDF Prophecy and the Reality on the Ground”, Gilad Atzmon,



Israel has adopted the Covid Lockdown policies with a severity unmatched internationally. They have pushed vaccination at a rate that leaves even the United Kingdom far behind.

Gilad Atzmon, joins me to discuss the effects of this policy, the statistics coming out of Israel and the questions we should be asking.