

Here is Donald Trump’s response to the Nazi scum that comprises The Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the U.S. Capitol.  The dumbshit, insouciant Americans who elected these Nazis on this committee are America’s worst enemies.

Donald Trump reveals himself in his response as a very great and brave leader of the American people, who have suffered a coup similar to the one Washington imposed on Ukraine and to Hitler’s seizure of power in 1933 by eliminating opposition parties.  

There is no doubt whatsoever that Trump is unacceptable to the ruling elite in the United States.  When Trump surprised the elite by winning the presidency, the elite ordered the CIA and FBI to immediately go to work to discredit the president chosen by the people instead of by them. 


Except for Trump supporters, Americans are too insouciant and too stupid to remain a free people.  They are stupid enough to read the New York Times, The Washington Post, to listen to NPR, to sit and watch CNN, MSNBC and the rest of the whore media  and be indoctrinated.

The whore media serves the cause of the destruction of America, of its morals and history, and glorifies sexual perversity, practices prohibition against free speech and other “offensive” Constitutional protections of human freedom.  The whore media censors more strongly and more completely than the Soviet and Nazi controlled media suffered.


The proof that America is lost is the percentage of the population that relies on the US media and votes Democrat.

A population lied to continually hour by hour, day by day, week by week, month by month, year by year, decade by decade has no valid information with which to understand reality. 

This is the fate of the entire Western world today. 






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