Siehe dazu auch (mehr davon ganz unten):
YouTube-Video - German Renaissance Music - Classical Guitar Collection : 68 Songs
YouTube-Video - British Renaissance Music - Classical Guitar Collection : 28 Composers
Renaissance music is music written in Europe during the Renaissance.
Consensus among music historians with notable dissent has been to start the era around 1400, with the end of the medieval era, and to close it around 1600, with the beginning of the Baroque period,
therefore commencing the musical Renaissance about a hundred years after the beginning of the Renaissance as understood in other disciplines.
(Quoted from Wikipedia)
Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750).
Sonatas & Partitas For Lute.
Sonata I BWV 1001
1. Adagio
2. Fuga
3. Siciliana
4. Presto
Partita I BWV 1002
5. Allemanda
6. Double
7. Corrente
8. Double
9. Sarabanda
10. Double
11. Tempo di Borea
12. Double
Sonata II BWV 1003
13. Grave
14. Fuga
15. Andante
16. Allegro
Partita II BWV 1004
17. Allemanda
18. Corrente
19. Sarabanda
20. Giga
21. Ciaccona
Sonata III BWV 1005
22. Adagio
23. Fuga
24. Largo
25. Allegro Assai
Partita III BWV 1004
26. Preludio
27. Loure
28. Gavotte en Rondeau
29. Menuets I & II
30. Bourrée
32. Menuet II
Hopkinson Smith, baroque lute
Hermosas obras de Bach.
Weitere empfohlene Webseiten siehe:
Recommended Links & Sites - offering Early and Renaissance music, and/or classical guitar resources
Steve's Page - fabulous collection of classical guitar transcriptions, recordings and links
World - Daily News Coverage for the World Classical Guitar Community
Guitar - Eric Couch's excellent and deep site offering free Scorch and PDF arrangements of classical guitar solos, duos, trios and mixed ensemble (guitar+recorder, etc.). A 'must-visit'
Classical Cat - a widely diverse collection of music and links
Early Music Chicago - a portal for Early Music collections
Classical Guitar Internet Resource site - Selected links to Music for the Classical Guitar
- - Todd McComb's premier site for Early Music research, recordings, more...
- - MP3 file collection
SCA Medieval and Renaissance Music Homepage - an excellent collection of Early Music and Renaissance links
Guitar Resource - Comprehensive, internet-aggregator of all-things-guitar
Virtual Byrd Consort - an incredible set of digital recordings of Renaissance choral works done in the same fashion as this site. Exquisite.
Royalty Free - Music Downloads - Free music download site - 11 different categories of music - unique, talented and high-quality artists/professional renditions
Southern California Early Music Society - the web site for Southern California Early Music Society and the Society's publication Early Music News, provides an online calendar of early music concerts and events offered in the greater Los Angeles and Orange County areas.
Learn How To Play Acoustic - How to play acoustic guitar - free lessons!
Distillations A site that aims to further the public understanding of science and the history of science. Take a look and a listen here:
Audio Shakespeare productions with Listen to Henry IV
The New Zealand guitar Ensemble group. Consists of 15~20 talented classical guitar students. While you're there, check out links to the Auckland Guitar Society ensemble group.
An amazing site of FREE GUITAR SCORES ...Quite the collection - and totally worth a visit (IMHO)
Christopher Ladd – A terrific player who hails from my alma mater (actually teaches there now). This site features excellent recordings.
Royalty Free Music - Thousands of royalty free music tracks at to download for use in media
American Classical Guitar Society - its Facebook page
Neue Zupfmuzik - Bavarian guitar society, hosted by Oliver Kalberer
Lehigh Valley Classical Guitar Society - great site/links/info
Vancouver Classical Guitar Society - another thriving group of classical guitar enthusiasts
Boris Cohaniuc's "Classical Guitar Library" - with over 1,000 public domain free score
Comprehensive list of all Classical Guitar Societies - a link to (almost) all of the classical guitar societied world-wid
Additional Sites - Linked here with appreciation for promoting the Early Music message
I have been grateful to receive links to this site from a number of friends of Renaissance and Early Music, including:
TaleWorlds (James Landes, author) - An electronic online game with Early Music as backdrop
Jennifer Davis' theater works - Early Music used as "incidental" or mood/theme/background music
Elizabethan Songs Book - well-written and free/online. Courtney Allen Powers (author) has done an incredible musicology project, offering in PDF format historically precise and compelling research on the back-drop for many popular works.
Strings By Mail - my source for buying online strings. Excellent selection - and the best prices around (and great guys to work with)
Fandango Games - Early music used as backdrop for online games (in this case, "Ich weiss nit") - I wonder how Ludwig Senfl would feel abou this... My bet? He'd own an iPad, a copy of Madden Football, and love online Early Music.
Gretchen Woefle's "All the world's a stage" book - a middle-grade novel about a young cutpurse (Will Shakespeare) and the building of the Globe Theater
Geek Science - A translation of this Early Music page into Haitian/Creole, done by Susan Basen - who works with other professionals as Web Hosting