Die Tyrannei breitet sich aus.
Klaus Schwab hat zugegeben, dass die globale Elite plant, die Welt zu entvölkern und gewöhnliche Menschen durch KI und transhumanistische Hybride zu ersetzen.
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The tyranny is spreading. Klaus Schwab has admitted the global elite are planning to depopulate the world and replace ordinary human beings with AI and transhumanist hybrids.
According to the WEF, humanity will be better equipped to deal with the challenges of the future if unborn children undergo gene editing to ensure they are free of diseases and disabilities, including psychological traits which the elite disapprove of.
Speaking at the World Government Summit in Dubai where he was lecturing 600 unelected bureaucrats about “How To Rule The World”, the WEF founder said that the WEF have the technology to become gods and engage in intelligent design to, in his words…“alter the human being.”
If that wasn’t dystopian enough, wait until you hear how Schwab is planning to to alter us.
Rumble-Kanal - The People's Voice - (en)
Rumble-Video - Pope Francis Declares Klaus Schwab Is 'More Important' Than Jesus Christ - (en)