

I interview Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, former Assistant Secretary to the Treasury in the Reagan Administration, and we talk about Supply Side Economics, why it is still relevant today, the current economic landscape including Globalization, the next crash, the impact of cryptocurrencies, and a little bit about how it was to work in the Reagan Era.


     0:00 Preview

     2:15 Intro

     2:55 What is Supply Side Economics?

     6:10 Marginal Tax Rate

     8:10 Stagflation

   10:57 Summary

   11:30 Tax Cuts

   13:20 Regulation

   17:24 Lobbying

   20:42 Deficits

   28:20 The next crash ?

   30:49 The Reagan Era and Cold War

   42:40 Globalization

   49:52 Trade Blocks

   52:38 Free Trade

   56:00 Implementing

1:03:15 The Gold Standard

1:08:50 Bitcoin

1:10:13 CDBCs

1:11:00 Reserve Currency

1:17:00 Global Power

1:20:50 Monetary Policy



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