
Paul Craig Roberts

Putin and the Kremlin have watched the failure of their “limited military operation” move from a Donbass conflict with Ukraine to a proxy war with the US and NATO to a full-fledged war with the US and NATO.  Putin’s inaction as the conflict widens, as I said it would, into nuclear war, is extraordinary.  He seems determined to hold on to his totally failed policy of a police action in Donbass with minimum commitment of troops and military assets.  From the best information I can get, there are only 200,000 thousand Russian troops involved in what the presstitutes call “Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.”

Time is running out for Putin to take out Ukraine entirely before he has to withdraw in face of NATO’s involvement or push the button.  Perhaps the latest effort of former NATO leaders to organize a NATO intervention in the “limited military operation” will bring home to Putin that he cannot sit there any longer without either surrendering or taking the decisive action that he should have taken eight years ago and bringing  Ukraine to its knees.

Three days ago on September 13 a group of former prime ministers, foreign ministers and other high-level officials from NATO countries

published a document, The KYIV Security Compact

that advocates a formal alliance between Ukraine and NATO countries that, in effect, makes Ukraine a member of NATO, thereby transforming the proxy war in Ukraine into a war between NATO and Russia.


Russia is unable to defend itself because its liberal leaders prefer agreements, on which they themselves say no reliance can be placed, to force.  

The Kremlin still believes, despite all evidence to the contrary, that it can overcome Western “misunderstandings” of Russia and negotiate a peaceful multi-polar world of cooperation.


God help us.


deutsch (s. 2. Link unten):

Russland ist nicht in der Lage, sich zu verteidigen, weil seine liberalen Führer Vereinbarungen, auf die sie sich nach eigener Aussage nicht verlassen können, der Gewalt vorziehen.

Der Kreml glaubt trotz aller gegenteiligen Beweise immer noch, dass er die westlichen „Missverständnisse“ gegenüber Russland überwinden und eine friedliche multipolare Welt der Zusammenarbeit aushandeln kann.

Gott helfe uns.






Deutsche Übersetzung:

Paul Craig Roberts ist ein US-amerikanischer Ökonom und Publizist.
Er war stellvertretender Finanzminister während der Regierung Reagan und ist als Mitbegründer des wirtschaftspolitischen Programms der Regierung Reagans bekannt

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